Saturday, February 6, 2010

Romantic Meal Ideas for Valentine's Day

Are you planning to prepare a romantic dinner for two to celebrate Valentine's Day? When deciding what to serve, it's important to consider what types of foods that you and your other (better?) half both enjoy. It would definitely send the wrong message to prepare shrimp for Valentine's Day if your significant other is allergic to shellfish.

Something New?

If you'd like to find new recipes for your Valentine's Day dinner, it's a good idea to check out Kissing in the Kitchen, a terrific cookbook by Kevin T. Roberts that focuses on romantic meal ideas. The book is full of terrific, easy-to-prepare recipes that are sure to make your Valentine's Day dinner just perfect. You can find great ideas for every course of the perfect Valentine's Day dinner.

Something Old?

Valentine's Day might actually be a great time to try a tried and true recipe, or prepare a dish that has a special significance for you and your sweetie. Think about meals that you and your sweetie have shared that marked major milestones in your relationship, and try to replicate them. For example, if you enjoyed an Italian feast on your first date, serving a similar meal each year on Valentine's Day can be a terrific tradition for the two of you. If you had terrific steamed seafood on your honeymoon, a similar feast make a great Valentine's Day feast.

Foods to Avoid

Since the idea behind preparing a special meal for Valentine's Day is to enjoy a quiet and romantic dinner with the one you love, you should probably avoid foods that are extremely messy or are likely to cause bad breath or indigestion. Chili dogs with onions, for example, probably aren't a good choice for any romantic meal occasion. If you look at or think about a particular food item and think, "I'd never eat that on a first date," you should scratch it off your Valentine's Day dinner ideas list.

What About Dessert?

When it comes to dessert, chocolate is the perfect choice for Valentine's Day. You can go the traditional route, with a heart shaped chocolate chip cookie or chocolate heart candy. You can go for rich and decadent with a chocolate doberge or red velvet cake shipped directly to your door from Gambino's Bakery in New Orleans. (I've eaten both of these cakes; they are out of this world. They are most definitely worth every penny and every calorie!)

Have a Great Dinner!

What really matters on Valentine's Day is that you get to spend time with the person you love, and you make a point of letting that special someone know just how grateful you are to have him or her in your life.

Reference: mgwhite

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